Revolution and Witchcraft: The Code of Ideology in Unsettled Times
By Gordon C. Chang
407 pagesIdea systems could be drawn from or embedded in the worlds of art, sciences, politics, or religion. The logics that tie an idea system’s components together can be as diverse as the ways that humans can think. Structurally speaking, the following set of mechanisms are fundamental for an idea system to operate: coherence mechanisms, defense mechanisms, adaptive mechanisms, and communicative-cognitive mechanisms.
A scholarly analysis of how ideologies develop and operate with a particular emphasis on their social function. Three case studies are analyzed in depth: the European witch hunts of the early modern period, Mao’s Communist Revolution in 20th c. China, and Bush’s “War on Terror” in the 21st c. United States. Commonalities are discussed and theorized along with some thoughts on what “fair minded” people might do with this understanding to keep a level head in turbulent times.
For an interview with the author about the book, see the New Books Network episode.