Module 7 of An Introduction to Buddhist Practice
Photo by Antai-ji Archives (Hyogo, Japan)
Chapter 6 from Buddhist Life, Buddhist Path – Bhikkhu Cintita (.pdf) (.epub) (.pdf)
- A small chart summarizing the four stages of enlightenment mentioned in this chapter.
- These stages will come up again in more detail later.
Suttas from the Anguttara Nikaya on Spiritual Companionship
- As we covered previously, spiritual friendship is the most important external path-factor.
- In these suttas selected by Bhikkhu Bodhi, the Buddha gives us advice on how to find and cultivate spiritual friendship:
- AN 3.26: “And what kind of person is to be associated with, followed, and served?”
- AN 4.32: “These are the four means of sustaining a favorable relationship.”
- AN 6.51: “How does a mendicant get to hear a teaching they haven’t heard before?”
- AN 5.151: “Someone with these five qualities is able to enter the sure path”
- SN 45.49: “And how does a bhikkhu who has a good friend develop and cultivate the Noble Eightfold Path?”