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- 99 Percent Invisible (Podcast)
- Annotated Discourses
- Blue / Black Beryl (Podcast)
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- The Path to Inner Freedom: A Short Introduction to the Teachings of the Buddha
- A Primer in Chinese Buddhist Writings
- Buddhist Solutions for Life's Problems (Podcast)
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- The Library of Chinese Humanities
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- BDK English Tripiṭaka Series The Buddha's Lengthy Discourses
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- BDK English Tripiṭaka Middle-Length Discourses
- A Systematic Study of the Majjhima Nikāya
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- The Secret Life of Machines
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- The Visuddhimagga for Sutta Lovers
- Ways of Hearing (Podcast)
- The Wheel
- Saṃyutta Nikāya Anthology Wheel
- Crash Course: World History 2
- Writ Large (Podcast)