The Human Body
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An owner’s manual.

An Italian boy points to the liver of an anatomical model at the Collegio Rotondi in 2023. (Photo by Silviaelzi, CC BY 4.0)
Table of Contents
Books (4)
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⭐ Recommended
An introduction to the main organs and systems of the human body, how they are supposed to work, and how they typically degrade in old age.
⭐ Recommended368 pages[recommended but under copyright]
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Canonical Works (5)
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We ask Gotama, the Eye that has arisen in the world:
Is one a brahmin by birth, or by action?
Explain to us what we do not understand –
how to know a brahmin. -
… all beings are subject to death. Death is their end
Bhikkhus, this body is not yours, nor does it belong to others. It is old kamma, to be seen as generated and fashioned by volition, as something to be felt.
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Readings (19)
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Analysis of work practices in imaging units and hospitals demonstrates how each image intertwines aspects of a patient’s body, socio-technical features, and economic priorities in locally specific ways to constitute the body in medical practice and social life.
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‘I smiled at the guards standing at my cell,’ he writes. ‘Being thrown in the Hole was worth the pleasure of seeing them still alive.’
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Exercise is an effective treatment for depression, with walking or jogging, yoga, and strength training more effective than other exercises, particularly when intense. Yoga and strength training were well tolerated compared with other treatments. Exercise appeared equally effective for people with and without comorbidities and with different baseline levels of depression.
🥇 Best of
What should a practitioner or a teacher of meditation know about basic human anatomy and physiology?
The fact that the body of a deceased monk did not decompose had long been considered a sign of high spiritual attainment in many parts of Asia, including Buddhist China. There are numerous records of eminent Chinese monks whose bodies miraculously showed no trace of decay after death. For months or years following their decease their unembalmed bodies continued to bear a healthy and lifelike countenance and give off a sweet perfume.
31 pages -
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Whenever anyone bodybuilds, he or she is always trying to understand and control the physical in the face of death. No wonder bodybuilding is centered around failure.
… their perfect physiques proclaim their supreme attainments.
Regardless of what kind of unhealthy body image you start with, this contemplation is sure to get under your skin—not only in a literal sense but also in an idiomatic one.
We suggest that muscular performance capabilities declined during hominin evolution in response to selection for repetitive, low-cost contractile behavior.
This study is the first to use empirical physiological observations to examine the well-publicized theoretical 35°C wet-bulb temperature limit for human to extreme environments. We find that uncompensable heat stress in humid environments occurs in young, healthy adults at wet-bulb temperatures significantly lower than 35°C.
What constitutes such a diet and what are its benefits?
A debate between the men and women of the Black Power Movement on their stance towards contraceptives.
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Audio/Video (20)
Anti-fat bias has an arguably more decisive impact on people’s health than physical body weight.
⭐ Recommended
A passive prosthesis, also called a cosmetic prosthesis, is a device that closely resembles a “natural” limb. It doesn’t crush any cans or get you any attention… In fact, it serves the opposite purpose: to help you blend in.
40 min -
⭐ Recommended15 min
You know, it would be better if you asked me how I’m sleeping.
1h 15 m -
A series of true, spooky, Halloween stories.
57 min -
⭐ Recommended
How do blind people play sports?
24 min -
⭐ Recommended7 min
⭐ Recommended
I too am sick of the body…
5 min -
While today a fever is seen as a symptom of some underlying disease like the flu, back then the fever was essentially regarded as the disease itself.
19 min -
My mother tells me she is ugly in the same voice
she used to say ‘no woman could love you’…5 min -
you descend, or drive, are driven
by mother’s body5 min -
… bunched skin rough as braille above the heel bone,
the instep whitening under the pressure of my touch…5 min -
July is the 7-Eleven of your childhood, fluorescent.
Your jelly sandals are neon. Your panties—
washboard and starch white, snapping…5 min -
Look down. Look at your body,
how it falls from your head…5 min -
Spared from the surgeon’s knife
you are a tiny flag of resistance5 min -
Recycled over and over
people born look like parents…5 min
See also: