The Inner World
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What it’s like to be a human.

"Self-Portrait" by Samuel Joseph Brown, Jr. (courtesy of The Met)
Table of Contents
Books (11)
⭐ Recommended790 pages[recommended but under copyright]
310 pages[recommended but under copyright]
224 pages[recommended but under copyright]
144 pages[recommended but under copyright]
See also:
Canonical Works (17)
One night, the monks discuss with the Buddha the five aggregates in detail, and the Buddha assures them that emptiness does not negate the law of Karma.
⭐ Recommended
Linked together by bones and sinews,
plastered over with flesh and hide,
and covered by the skin … -
It was with the ambrosia of such a Dhamma talk, venerable sir, that the Blessed One anointed me.
By what is the world afflicted?
By what is it enveloped?
See also:
Readings (27)
⭐ Recommended
… the most truthful way of regarding illness — and the healthiest way of being ill — is one most purified of, most resistant to, metaphoric thinking
🥇 Best of
… someone is a sequence of choices, and the question is: Will my next choice be conscious, and will my ability to make it be unfettered?
… madness itself is not a role that can be played any old how. In every generation are quite firm rules about how you should behave when you are crazy.
… digital technology often seems to make it harder for us to respond in the right way when someone is suffering and needs our help
13 pages -
individuals’ facial appearance develops over time to resemble the social stereotypes associated with given names.
Research indicates that core dimensions of psychological well-being can be cultivated through intentional mental training.
Preregistered analyses reveal a notable increase in biological stress levels among both LGBTIQ+ individuals as well as those close to them during the campaign.
… mindfulness of postures served as a way of facing fear
The brain scan image—a silhouette of the skull, highlighted with bright splotches of primary color—has also become a staple of popular culture, a symbol of how scientific advances are changing the way we think about ourselves.
See also:
Audio/Video (42)
An introduction to the asexual identity and some musings on the benefits (and perils) of taking on identities at all.
⭐ Recommended
Phil kept all this to himself, though there was another person who noticed there was something different about the new guy…
60 min -
⭐ Recommended
There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says “Morning, boys. How’s the water?” And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes “What the hell is water?”
52 min
66 min
… a view of our sense of self as an emergent process of “I-making” that is constructed in relation to our environment and the body on which it depends
63 min -
60 min
How US prison inmates turned to Buddhism to face execution, and the truth of a space “strike”. Plus, decoding the Ebola virus and we hear the world’s oldest song.
50 min -
So that also became its own self perpetuating narrative about me, because now I had to continue to fulfill it because everyone says I’m not scared and I’m down. And so I have to continue to prove that narrative right to everybody around me…
50 min -
The story of the greatest autobiography never read.
45 min -
A brief word on the life and work of Tausendsassa Friedensreich Regentag Dunkelbunt Hundertwasser.
42 min -
Cynthia wasn’t just any old mannequin from New York. This wasn’t even her first social event. By the time Jeanne’s mother-in-law met her, she had already attended balls, graced the front pages of magazines and appeared in Hollywood movies. Cynthia was a celebrity.
41 min -
17 min
How much evidence do we need of the harmfulness of something before we act?
35 min -
⭐ Recommended
She hides in the room she painted for herself,
tuning, listening…5 min -
⭐ Recommended
All those times I was bored…
5 min -
Imagine my first moon
wasn’t a moon at all
but a crescent incision
in my mother…6 min -
i google: can dogs eat watermelon?
google says: yes, but not the
seeds…6 min -
my blood moves like tectonic plates
6 min -
… all the things Cal doesn’t get to do. I want to curse
5 min -
There I walked, and there I raged;
The spiritual savage5 min -
I sit at the ocean’s edge,
At the grey ocean’s edge,
With you in my lap.5 min -
I’m on the horizon of a seven hour trip and it’s quiet…
5 min -
Blessed be the bitterness
at your core, that quiet light…5 min -
you think
You’re a kind of monster
And maybe you are,
Just not an ugly one.
That whole business
Will come later.5 min
See also: