Psychic Powers
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Table of Contents
Canonical Works (29)
A disrobed monk, Sunakkhata, attacks the Buddha’s teaching because it merely leads to the end of suffering. The Buddha counters that this is, in fact, praise, and goes on to enumerate his many profound and powerful achievements.
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What’s the cause for the development of the bases of psychic power?
It’s incredible, reverends, it’s amazing, the power and might of a Realized One!
[He dwells] by night as by day, and by day as by night. By means of an awareness thus open & unhampered, he develops a brightened mind.
Like a lion, a Realized One roars his preeminence based on his ten, special powers, which enable him to teach the Dhamma.
Citta the householder invites some mendicants to his home for a meal. When they left he followed them, and witnessed the junior monk Venerable Mahaka performing a psychic feat.
When I offered gifts to monks, she would insult me.
See also:
Readings (20)
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The present study recruited 12 advanced Buddhist meditators and compared their meditation-induced near-death experiences (MI-NDEs) against two other meditation practices in the same participant group. Changes in the content and profundity of the MI-NDE were assessed longitudinally over a 3-year period. Findings demonstrated that compared to the control conditions, the MI-NDE prompted significantly greater increases in profundity, mysticism and non-attachment. Furthermore, participants demonstrated significant increases in NDE profundity across the 3-year study period.
See also:
Audio/Video (6)
How Reiki draws on both American and Japanese esoteric healing practices and what the experience of Reiki healing is like.
58 min
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