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Macro-sociology is the study of how populations organize themselves into governed, social systems.
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A 16th century illustration of a French nobleman and his retainers enjoying a picnic. A strict hierarchy is one of many ways a society can be organized.
Table of Contents
Books (13)
⭐ Recommended326 pages
⭐ Recommended499 pages[recommended but under copyright]
461 pages[recommended but under copyright]
341 pages[recommended but under copyright]
See also:
Canonical Works (5)
At whatever time, monastics, there are dishonest kings, […] the gods become agitated.
… seven principles that prevent decline
See also:
Readings (24)
🥇 Best of
… there will be resistance to giving the thing rights until it can be seen and valued for itself; yet, it is hard to see it and value it for itself until we can bring ourselves to give it rights — which is almost inevitably going to sound inconceivable
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Humans have cooperative sentiments usually assumed to be absent in rational choice theories. On the other hand, the slow rate at which cooperative institutions evolve suggests that considerable friction will afflict our ability to grow up commons management institutions where they do not already exist and to readapt existing institutions to rapid technological and economic change.
🥇 Best of
One thing we can be certain of is that capitalism will end.
Why is there not more public outcry in the face of rising income inequality? Although public choice models predict that rising inequality will spur public demand for redistribution, evidence often fails to support this view.
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… integration rather than segregation is the typical outcome. However, the tendency toward adaptation and integration can be impeded when economic frictions in the form of income inequality and housing cost are present.
In World War II, Britain invented the electronic computer. By the 1970s, its computing industry had collapsed—thanks to a labor shortage produced by sexism.
By exposing the ways that different societies have reacted to crises over their lifetime, this framework can help identify the factors and complex social-ecological interactions that either bolster or undermine resilience to contemporary climate shocks.
The lack of the capacity to understand and act on [legal] justice problems plays a key role in creating [social] inequalities.
The formal study of human cultural evolution began in the 1970s and has matured to the point of deriving practical applications. We provide an overview of these developments and examples for the topic areas of complex systems science and engineering, economics and business, mental health and well-being, and global change efforts.
… municipalities of Spain with a history of a stronger inquisitorial presence show lower economic performance, educational attainment, and trust today. The effects persist after controlling for historical indicators of religiosity and wealth
In a large cross-national statistical study of risk factors for democratic erosion, we establish that economic inequality is one of the strongest predictors of where and when democracy erodes.
In 2023, only 407 people donated a kidney to a stranger. The End Kidney Deaths Act would aim to increase that number nearly thirtyfold.
4 pages
See also:
Audio/Video (31)
⭐ Recommended
Twenty short lessons on how to act under tyranny in a way that sows the seeds for something better.
2h 37 m -
🥇 Best of
An explanation of the fundamental asymmetry between matrilineal and patrilineal societies which gave rise to the patriarchy along with an examination of the forces pushing back against it.
⭐ Recommended1h 18 m
The real point of FDR’s New Deal was to save democracy.
49 min
⭐ Recommended
What should have been a difficult few months turned into 30 years of bloodshed and mayhem in Northern Ireland.
44 min -
We’re already geo-engineering the planet, we’re just doing it accidentally and badly
1h 38 m -
⭐ Recommended
A cautionary tale about how hard it is to rise from the bottom to the top–and why the American school system, despite its best efforts, continues to leave an extraordinary amount of talent on the table.
37 min -
⭐ Recommended
Man is born free but everywhere he is in chains.
36 min -
⭐ Recommended
Back in the 1930s, Alan Lomax traveled the country recording obscure musicians of all stripes for the Library of Congress. Lomax believed that the culture of poor Americans was important, and worthy of saving. And it was these same beliefs that led to an investigation by the FBI.
27 min -
going back in time and trying to find the origin of some of the foundational institutions of society, from democracy to the legal system, and at the heart of the origin of those institutions, I always found water.
61 min -
… the kind of tragedy that befell Tierney and her daughter can be averted if we appeal to the better parts of human nature
31 min -
A two-pound chicken tastes better with friends
A two-pound chicken tastes better with two
And I know where to find you
So, listen to the words I say!14 min -
13 min
“Weapons of Math Destruction” have three properties: (1) they are widespread and important, (2) they are mysterious in their scoring mechanism, and (3) they are destructive.
28 min -
⭐ Recommended
Philosopher Hannah Arendt, in her famous book, explored what elements led to the end of German democracy and to the rise of the Nazi state.
A child came up to me in the park
and asked for a cigarette.
Her eyes were startled cats…5 min -
the abandoned factories
there has lately been so much conversation about
through broken windows they stare
asking for us to decide…5 min -
all those bodies in Departures
are naked under clothes and scarred5 min
See also: