Widening our Perspective
Module 12 of An Introduction to BuddhismWisdom is the ability to recognize and contextualize our experience.

Photo by Serge Ottaviani, CC BY-SA 3.0
Continue with Chapters 39–44 on how the Buddha responded to tragedy in the early Saṅgha.
- NOTE: Chapter 40 is missing from the above PDF. It can be read online here
The result of mindfulness is increased mental clarity. Chapter 7 (“Concentration”) discusses these heightened states of consciousness.
Chapter 7 of Fundamentals discusses how Concentration leads to “Wisdom”
Chapter 9 (“Four Kinds of Happiness”) outlines the happiness beyond sensual indulgence which is accessible through meditation.
And the Nirodha Chapter of WTBT is optional reading for this module on wisdom’s ultimate goal: Nibbāna
This module, I’m excited to introduce you to Ayya Santussika Bhikkhuni: a Theravada nun living in California.
In this talk, Ayya revisits the teachings on karma and explains how to hold them wisely.
Further Listening
For more talks by Ayya Santussika, see her teacher page on DharmaSeed.org.
Here are a couple reflection questions for today’s lesson. And with only two modules left to go…