Gender and Sexuality
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Table of Contents
Books (6)
Readings (40)
We found that high-power individuals and men generally display higher agency, lower communion, more positive self-evaluations, and similar cognitive processes. Overall, 71% of the sex/gender differences were consistent with the effects of experimental power differences, whereas only 8% were opposite
Women overestimated the facial femininity that men prefer in a partner and men overestimated the facial masculinity that women prefer in a partner.
Men’s higher testosterone is typically seen as an innate “sex” difference. However, our experiment demonstrates that gender-related social factors also matter, even for biological measures. Gender socialization may affect testosterone by encouraging men but not women toward behaviors that increase testosterone. This shows that research on human sex biology needs to account for gender socialization and that nurture, as well as nature, is salient to hormone physiology. Our paper provides a demonstration of a novel gender→testosterone pathway, opening up new avenues for studying gender biology.
Administration of testosterone caused increased punishment of the other player but also increased reward of larger offers.
See also:
Audio/Video (16)
⭐ Recommended1h 58 m
⭐ Recommended
A man can write a book without drawing attention to the fact that he is a man, but I know that when I begin I must say that I am a woman for this is the background against which all I say will be heard.
38 min -
66 min
A meditation on the historical relationship between privacy, knowledge, and femininity.
37 min
See also: