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Time is the axis along which events take place.

This series of snapshots, taken over a 40-day period in 2014 and compiled into a stabilized GIF, shows how a flower—like us—can change dramatically as it grows. (Timelapse by Tomas Mariancik, CC BY-SA 3.0)
Table of Contents
Books (15)
365 pages[recommended but under copyright]
68 pages[recommended but under copyright]
See also:
Canonical Works (16)
At a time when bandits are strong, kings are weak…
Bhikkhus, there are these four Dhamma factors, primal, of long standing, traditional, ancient…
See also:
Readings (33)
⭐ Recommended
Furtwängler’s Bach is no smug or mindless adaptation of Bach to the style of Wagner. It is a reaffirmation of the presence of Bach in Wagner and the simultaneous, reciprocal presence of Wagner in Bach.
🥇 Best of
Picture the splash of a pebble falling into pond water, but on a planetary scale.
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Time is now currency: it is not passed, but spent.
🥇 Best of
Grown-ups generally treat children with more kindness and compassion than they treat adults. This naturally, but erroneously, leads people to imagine that the world was nicer when they were young.
We find the claim that time is not real in both Western and Eastern philosophical traditions and, more recently, in contemporary physics. Yet it seems unlikely that when McTaggart, Godel, Barbour, and Dzogchen practitioners say that there is no time, they are denying the existence of the same thing. This essay is an attempt to set out a taxonomy of different views about what it takes for there to be time and, alongside that, a taxonomy of views about whether or not there is time.
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For the time being stand on top of the highest peak.
For the time being proceed along the bottom of the deepest ocean.
For the time being three heads and eight arms.
For the time being an eight- or sixteen-foot body. -
People change when they think others are changing, but people misperceive others’ changes.
The biggest danger we face today isn’t that industrial civilization will choke on its own exhaust or that democracy will crumble or that AI will rise up and overthrow us all. It’s that we will cease believing in the one force that raised humanity out of tens of thousands of years of general misery: the very idea of progress.
Besides serving as the condition for the possible arising of craving, feeling tone is also part of name-and-form. Exploring these two contexts helps to put dependent arising into temporal perspective.
most waking hours are spent on activities intended to achieve direct outcomes for human minds and bodies (9.4 hours per day), while 3.4 h/d are spent modifying our inhabited environments and the world beyond. 2.1 h/d are devoted to organizing social processes and transportation.
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… what does it say about our society that it seems to generate an extremely limited demand for talented poet-musicians, but an apparently infinite demand for specialists in corporate law?
We follow archaeological research and employ skeletal records of women’s and men’s health from 139 archaeological sites in Europe dating back, on average, to about 1200 AD to construct a site-level indicator of historical bias in favor of one gender over the other using dental linear enamel hypoplasias. This historical measure of gender bias significantly predicts contemporary gender attitudes, despite the monumental socioeconomic and political changes that have taken place since.
Of course, it is worthy and noble to be passionate about people and causes you care about. It’s also easy to fall into the trap of attempting too much in the pursuit of trying to have it all.
But historical scholarship did more than substantiate a single pivotal argument. It framed the majority’s broader understanding of marriage as an evolving institution…
When the next generation starts its career, the stocks have further declined, but it is the stocks at that time that serve as a new baseline. The result obviously is a gradual shift of the baseline, a gradual accommodation of the creeping disappearance of resource species, and inappropriate reference points for evaluating economic losses resulting from overfishing, or for identifying targets for rehabilitation
For the likes of you, the qualities of the path
Will go on increasing
See also:
Audio/Video (68)
A series of short, well-produced educational videos giving a brief introduction to world history.
7h 42 m -
⭐ Recommended
We’re living in a time-travel golden age. But why? What happened to time?
45 min -
They want to make clear that other ways of thinking about humanity that are based on conceptions of biological difference and hierarchy are wrong.
shamans endowed with powers to cure the sick, predict right times of planting and harvest, and invoke the souls of ancestors to guide the deceased to the afterlife.
We can put an Egyptian mummy in a museum and it’s nice and exotic, but we’re not gonna learn anything from it. That’s how we tend to think of tradition. We don’t literally destroy the past, but we render it something that we can learn nothing from.
31 min
30 min
My first thought was, ‘Wow, I’m going to view history and then get wiped off the map.’
60 min -
33 min
I felt for the first time this is what I was supposed to be doing.
13 min -
Has humanity ever really learned from the past and been able to apply the lessons?
28 min -
12 min
12 min
⭐ Recommended
It turns out however that I was deeply
Mistaken about the end of the world…5 min -
Windowless now, roofless, tucked
under the first, sheltering hill of a range
that ran all the way to Mexico…6 min -
Is it difficult to get away from it all once you’ve had a child?
5 min -
Then happiness became an egg that broke…
5 min -
To wake when all is possible
before the agitations of the day
have gripped youTo come to the kitchen
and peel a little basketball
for breakfast…5 min -
Sunday morning, the wind has washed our minds,
the streets are bleak…5 min -
A frog leaps out across the lawn,
And crouches there…5 min -
O New Day, I get to build the boat!
5 min -
4 min
See also: