Reference materials and tools for digital scholars.

If you’re interested in staying up-to-date on the latest Āgama research, I highly recommend joining the Āgama Research Group’s mailing list.

An exhaustive index of the terms, topics, proper names, and similes found in the Pāḷi Sutta Piṭaka.

A short sutta from the Pāli Canon delivered to your inbox daily.

A cross-platform application for looking up Pāli terms with unparalleled support for declensions, conjugations, and compound words including full declension charts, examples from the Pāli Canon, a grammar helper, and more.

The full Pāli Canon online in Pāli alongside its traditional commentaries and modern translations. An essential tool for anyone working on translating the Pāli Canon.

The Taishō is the modern edition of the Mahayana Canon. You may have seen Taishō numbers before to refer to Mahayana Sutras (e.g. T100). This lengthy PDF gives an overview of the numbering scheme and points out specific numbers for many popular Mahayana texts.

Thousands of entries covering the people, places, animals, books, etc of the Pāli Canon.

Pleco (2001)

Featured in the course, " Chinese Buddhist Writing"

If you are looking to dive into the suttas, there are many good pointers and valuable resources to be found on this blog.

SuttaCentral hosts sources and free translations of Early Buddhist Texts, meticulously organized by parallels, books, languages and searchable with several large indexes and built-in dictionary tools.