RSS FeedEssays are short pieces of writing that were published independently, for example on a blog.
For essays published in periodicals, see articles. For essays published in collections of various authors, see papers. For essays published as part of a book, see excerpts. For long essays, see booklets.
Name | Formats | Year | Author(s) | Featured In... | Date Added | Size | |
The Pastness of the Present and the Presence of the Past | 1988 | Richard Taruskin | Time | 2020-12-17 22:11 | 65 pages | 230 | |
War and Peace | 2014 | Bhikkhu Bodhi and Ajahn Geoff Ṭhānissaro | Buddhist Ethics | 2020-05-26 19:48 | 33 pages | 135 | |
Local Food: The Moral Case | 2020 | Helena de Bres | Places | 2021-01-11 11:30 | 30 pages | 27 | |
The Karma-Vibhanga Reliefs at Borobudur | 2020 | Bhikkhu Ānandajoti | Buddhism as a Religion | 2020-04-22 16:21 | 160 pages | 43 | |
That the True Dhamma Might Last a Long Time: Readings Selected by King Asoka | 1993 | Ajahn Geoff Ṭhānissaro | The History of Buddhism | 2021-04-26 19:18 | 26 pages | 46 | |
A History of the Bhikkhuni Order | 2017 | Mindy Zlotnick and Donna McCarthy | Nuns | 2022-10-23 14:17 | 23 pages | 29 | |
The Purpose of Practicing Meditation | 1980 | Mahāsi Sayadaw | The Buddhist Path | 2020-07-14 18:33 | 23 pages | 115 | |
An Interview with Dr. Jim Tucker | 2014 | Dr. Jim Tucker, Ajahn Brahmali, and Bhante Sujato | An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy | 2020-04-13 14:23 | 22 pages | 75 | |
Arahants, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas | 2010 | Bhikkhu Bodhi | Buddhism as a Religion | 2020-03-08 16:58 | 20 pages | 181 | |
Healing and/or Salvation?: The Relationship Between Religion and Medicine in Medieval Chinese Buddhism | 2018 | C. Pierce Salguero | Medieval Buddhism | 2024-07-07 19:37 | 26 pages | 5 | |
The Mystique of the Abhidhamma | 2010 | Bhante Sujato | Abhidhamma | 2021-05-08 21:31 | 25 pages | 145 | |
The Linked Discourses: The Blueprint for Buddhist Philosophy | 2019 | Bhante Sujato | The Suttas | 2020-08-19 11:18 | 56 pages | 68 | |
Inviting the Bell: A Preliminary Exploration of Buddhist Lawyers in the United States | 2010 | Deborah Cantrell | American Buddhism | 2021-01-04 12:35 | 98 pages | 1 | |
Coming Into Our Own: Discipline, Agency and Inquiry Amidst the Renascent Theravada Bhikkhuni Sangha/s | 2017 | Ayya Tathālokā | Nuns | 2022-10-08 19:37 | 46 pages | 15 | |
Two Dogmas of Zen Buddhism | 2016 | George Wrisley | The Intellect | 2022-06-09 18:07 | 45 pages | 15 | |
The Aitken-Shimano Letters | 2009 | Vladimir K. and Stuart Lachs | Vinaya Studies | 2023-08-21 13:47 | 17 pages | 2 | |
The Five Precepts: The Buddhist Golden Rule | 1912 | Somdet Vajirañāṇavarorasa | Buddhist Ethics | 2022-07-17 13:49 | 41 pages | 138 | |
Unshakable Peace | 2007 | Ajahn Chah | Vipassanā | 2022-06-19 18:29 | 39 pages | 27 | |
Amazing Transformations of Arahant Theri Uppalavanna | 2011 | Ayya Tathālokā | The History of Buddhism | 2024-07-06 15:46 | 37 pages | 11 | |
Dependent Origination | 2002 | Ajahn Brahm | An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy | 2020-04-13 14:23 | 35 pages | 165 | |
MN 2 Annotated | 2016 | Bhante Suddhāso | The Buddhist Path | 2020-04-25 14:41 | 14 pages | 26 | |
A Reader’s Guide to the Pāli Suttas | 2019 | Bhante Sujato | The Pāli Canon | 2020-07-22 10:09 | 31 pages | 165 | |
Viññāṇa anidassana: The State of Boundless Consciousness | 2021 | Bhikkhu Sunyo | Nibbāna: The Goal of Buddhist Practice | 2021-12-21 18:24 | 10 pages | 73 | |
Rebirth and the In-between State in Early Buddhism | 2008 | Bhante Sujato | Rebirth | 2020-04-26 15:58 | 10 pages | 130 | |
How Early Buddhism differs from Theravada: A Checklist | 2022 | Bhante Sujato | Theravāda | 2022-01-09 17:33 | 30 pages | 321 | |
Contracting for Compassion in Japanese Buddhism | 2020 | J. Mark Ramseyer | Japanese Buddhism | 2025-03-25 21:31 | 29 pages | 1 | |
Hua-t’ou: A Method of Zen Meditation | 2012 | Stuart Lachs | East Asian Buddhism | 2022-11-21 10:57 | 29 pages | 27 | |
Nine Considerations and Criteria For Benefiting Beings | 2009 | Patrul Rinpoche | Buddhist Ethics | 2021-04-05 12:34 | 12 pages | 31 | |
Have you come here to die? | 2004 | Ajahn Brahm | Buddhist Meditation | 2020-06-11 10:42 | 9 pages | 42 | |
Buddhist Rituals and Observances | 2001 | Barry Durrant | Theravāda | 2021-03-01 12:49 | 25 pages | 21 | |
Navigating Groundlessness: An Interview Study on Dealing With Ontological Shock and Existential Distress Following Psychedelic Experiences | 2024 | Eirini K. Argyri, Jules Evans, David Luke, Pascal Michael, Katrina Michelle and others | The Intellect | 2024-12-29 04:59 | 25 pages | 1 | |
The Numbered Discourses: Things that are Useful Every Day | 2019 | Bhante Sujato | The Suttas | 2020-08-19 11:18 | 25 pages | 67 | |
The Middle Discourses: Conversations on Matters of Deep Truth | 2019 | Bhante Sujato | The Suttas | 2020-08-19 11:18 | 24 pages | 57 | |
What is the Eye? | 2018 | Bhikkhu Cintita | An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy | 2020-04-27 10:00 | 24 pages | 31 | |
Four Apadānas | 2015 | Ajahn Geoff Ṭhānissaro | Avadānas | 2024-12-13 04:49 | 23 pages | 2 | |
The Mind and its Endless Rebirth | 2014 | Ajahn Suchart | Saṃsāra | 2023-11-06 14:07 | 23 pages | 32 | |
Befriending the Suttas: Tips on Reading the Pali Discourses | 2001 | The Suttas | 2020-08-19 11:18 | 10 pages | 115 | ||
Chan Practice and Faith | 2005 | Master Sheng-Yen | Right View | 2021-04-05 15:35 | 10 pages | 42 | |
Critical Hominin Theory | 2023 | Jonathan Marks | The (Human) World | 2024-01-02 16:38 | 10 pages | 1 | |
The Cushion or the World? | 2013 | Bhikkhu Cintita | Buddhism Comes West | 2021-05-24 18:31 | 10 pages | 32 | |
Instructions to Insight Meditation | 2010 | Mahāsi Sayadaw | The Practice of Buddhism | 2020-03-08 16:58 | 10 pages | 623 | |
Evidence suggests Rāmpurwā as the place of Buddha’s Mahāparinirvāṇa | 2020 | Deepak Anand | Pilgrimage | 2021-04-12 14:31 | 22 pages | 18 | |
The Buddha Was Bald | 2010 | Eisel Mazard | The Buddha | 2021-01-15 14:59 | 20 pages | 48 | |
The Long Discourses: Dhamma as Literature and Compilation | 2019 | Bhante Sujato | The Suttas | 2020-08-19 11:18 | 20 pages | 73 | |
In Praise of Shadows | 1933 | Junichiro Tanizaki | The Present | 2024-01-18 15:07 | 20 pages | 115 | |
Growth and Development of Buddhist Organizations: An Organic Process of Cooperation | 1998 | Bhante Gunaratana | Buddhism Comes West | 2022-09-27 18:02 | 19 pages | 9 | |
Ancestral Stupas of Shwedagon | 2010 | U Win Maung (Tampawaddy) | Buddhism as a Religion | 2020-03-08 16:58 | 19 pages | 62 | |
Resources for Learning Pali | 2005 | Eisel Mazard | The Pāli Language | 2022-12-02 18:50 | 18 pages | 46 | |
Philosophy as Good for Nothing: Wittgenstein, Socrates, and the Ends and End of Philosophy | 2018 | George Wrisley | The Intellect | 2024-04-22 12:26 | 18 pages | 9 | |
Psychological Aspects of Theravāda Buddhist Meditative Training: Cultivating an I-less Self | 1997 | Peter Harvey | The Practice of Buddhism | 2021-04-22 12:48 | 18 pages | 83 | |
Management of Sangha Property | 2008 | Bhante Varado | Vinaya Studies | 2021-02-17 11:06 | 18 pages | 17 | |
What Did the Buddha Think of Women? | 2012 | Bhikkhu Cintita | Saṅgha | 2020-05-18 19:56 | 18 pages | 43 | |
Men Explain Things to Me | 2008 | Rebecca Solnit | Buddhist Ethics | 2020-05-28 06:39 | 8 pages | 70 | |
Spiritual Friendship | 2013 | Hāsapañño Bhikkhu | Thai Buddhism | 2025-01-26 19:33 | 8 pages | 3 | |
Old Pillar, New Possibilites: What the Revival of the Bhikkhuni Sangha Contributes to Thai Women and Society | 2009 | Nissara Horayangura | Saṅgha | 2020-05-18 13:38 | 17 pages | 9 | |
Richard Baker and the Myth of the Zen Roshi | 2002 | Stuart Lachs | Mahāyāna | 2022-08-30 20:59 | 17 pages | 26 | |
If education is not the answer you are asking the wrong question | 2019 | Zachary Stein | Social Activism | 2021-05-19 20:34 | 16 pages | 56 | |
Re-examining conventional wisdom on the issue of Bhikkhunis in the Theravada tradition | 2008 | Ajahn Brahm | Thai Buddhism | 2025-01-30 21:05 | 16 pages | 2 | |
The Limits of Description: Not Self Revisted | 2017 | Ajahn Geoff Ṭhānissaro | Śūnyatā | 2024-01-08 19:49 | 16 pages | 33 | |
Practice Without Stopping | 2001 | Luang Por Pieg | Teachings for Monastics | 2022-03-03 20:35 | 16 pages | 3 | |
The Traditions of the Noble Ones | 2005 | Ajahn Geoff Ṭhānissaro | Thai Buddhism | 2025-01-27 06:37 | 16 pages | 3 | |
The Heart Sutra | 1996 | Master T'an Hsu | Mahāyāna | 2022-05-12 15:18 | 26 pages | 19 | |
The Basic Method of Meditation | 2017 | Ajahn Brahm | Samatha | 2022-06-09 08:36 | 7 pages | 77 | |
Building Bridges for the Buddha | 2009 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Engaged Buddhism | 2021-07-13 12:28 | 7 pages | 10 | |
Am I my five khaṅdhas? | 2018 | Bhikkhu Cintita | An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy | 2020-04-13 14:23 | 14 pages | 63 | |
The Beauty of Sila | 2008 | Ajahn Jayasaro | Monastic Buddhism | 2020-05-18 10:29 | 14 pages | 45 | |
The Jhānas and the Lay Disciples: According to the Pāli Suttas | 2004 | Bhikkhu Bodhi | Samādhi | 2023-09-18 06:57 | 14 pages | 23 | |
Reflective Listening | 1994 | Neil Katz and Kevin McNulty | Communication Studies | 2023-12-12 14:41 | 14 pages | 52 | |
Sensual Pleasures are Painful | 1997 | Ajahn Suchart | The Practice of Buddhism | 2020-03-08 16:58 | 14 pages | 134 | |
Time Being | 1995 | Dōgen Zenji | Time | 2024-03-01 21:57 | 5 pages | 7 | |
On deeds of war both bright and dark | 2022 | Bhante Sujato | Buddhist Ethics | 2022-11-12 16:41 | 5 pages | 68 | |
Generosity First | 2003 | Ajahn Geoff Ṭhānissaro | The Practice of Buddhism | 2020-03-08 16:58 | 6 pages | 112 | |
The Poet and the Reader (Nobel Lecture) | 2020 | Louise Glück | Communication Studies | 2023-12-08 15:27 | 6 pages | 2 | |
Well That Was Illuminating! | 2022 | Ryan Cordell | Media Studies | 2024-07-07 21:52 | 6 pages | 3 | |
Why Devadatta Was No Saint | 2020 | Bhante Sujato | Characters in the EBTs | 2021-03-19 12:48 | 13 pages | 24 | |
No One Can Replace the Citta | 2012 | Luangta Maha Boowa | Thai Buddhism | 2025-01-21 13:03 | 13 pages | 4 | |
Buddhism and Science | 2001 | Ajahn Brahm | Modern Buddhism | 2022-09-17 09:38 | 12 pages | 30 | |
Buddhism in Thailand | 1999 | Ajahn Jayasaro | Thai Buddhism | 2025-01-08 11:23 | 12 pages | 3 | |
Buddhist Meditation and Its Forty Subjects | 1954 | Mahāsi Sayadaw | The Buddhist Path | 2023-02-02 14:46 | 12 pages | 44 | |
Talks Delivered on the World Buddhist Missionary Tour | 1995 | Mahāsi Sayadaw | Burmese Buddhism | 2025-03-15 14:52 | 12 pages | 1 | |
Attitudes Towards Nuns in Buddhist Myth | 2007 | Bhante Sujato | The Vinaya | 2020-08-25 19:30 | 11 pages | 39 | |
Right Here in the Heart | 1976 | Luangta Maha Boowa | Thai Buddhism | 2025-01-24 14:36 | 11 pages | 2 | |
Zen and the art of social movement maintenance | 2015 | James Rowe | Engaged Buddhism | 2021-05-26 13:23 | 11 pages | 8 | |
On Translating from Pāli | 1982 | K. R. Norman | The Pāli Language | 2022-11-29 19:44 | 11 pages | 65 | |
Worlds and Their Cessation: The Buddha’s Strategic View of the Cosmos | 2018 | Ajahn Geoff Ṭhānissaro | Right View | 2023-03-09 18:15 | 11 pages | 14 | |
He Handles Gold and Silver | 2016 | Vinaya Studies | 2021-03-25 18:58 | 5 pages | 5 | ||
Hōnen’s Waka Verses | 2015 | Hōnen | Buddhism as a Religion | 2022-03-20 13:19 | 5 pages | 17 | |
Rays of Moonlight | 2019 | Lobzang Chökyi Gyaltsen | Right Thought | 2023-07-27 15:41 | 5 pages | 5 | |
Kor What? | 2019 | Ajahn Chandako | Thai Forest Tradition | 2020-05-18 13:38 | 17 pages | 11 | |
Bodhicaryāvatāra: Teaching Methods & Overview | 2008 | Alak Zenkar Rinpoche | Mahāyāna | 2020-10-04 11:49 | 10 pages | 34 | |
Buddha and the Political Events of His Times | 2016 | Alexander Berzin | Buddha's India | 2021-03-22 10:31 | 10 pages | 74 | |
Buddhism and Human Flourishing | 2013 | Peter Harvey | Buddhism 101 | 2020-03-08 16:58 | 10 pages | 116 | |
Naturally Liberating Whatever You Meet: Instructions to Guide You on the Profound Path | 2005 | Khenpo Gangshar | Vajrayāna | 2022-05-07 15:05 | 10 pages | 133 | |
Review of Peoples of the Buddhist World | 2013 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddhism Comes West | 2022-09-29 23:33 | 9 pages | 11 | |
Climate Change, Ethics, and the Field of Greed | 2013 | Victor von der Heyde | Buddhist Ethics | 2021-11-21 16:26 | 9 pages | 21 | |
The Fundamentals of Buddhism | 1987 | Ajahn Paññavaddho | The Practice of Buddhism | 2020-03-08 16:58 | 9 pages | 48 | |
Practical Dependent Origination | 2012 | Bhante Yuttadhammo | An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy | 2020-04-26 15:58 | 9 pages | 96 | |
The Rohingya issue is not Muslims vs Buddhists | 2020 | Maung Zarni | Myanmar | 2020-12-29 13:00 | 9 pages | 3 | |
Towards a Shallower Future | 2024 | Noah Smith | The (Human) World | 2024-01-28 17:21 | 9 pages | 4 | |
Ten Ways to Make Merit | 2000 | Ajahn Suchart | Buddhist Ethics | 2020-05-01 15:46 | 9 pages | 67 | |
Entering into Monastic Life | 2014 | Ayya Tathālokā | Vinaya Studies | 2021-02-08 12:56 | 4 pages | 51 | |
On Science Religion and Culture | 2013 | Bhante Yuttadhammo | Buddhism as a Religion | 2020-03-08 16:58 | 4 pages | 196 | |
When Does Human Life Begin? | 2007 | Ajahn Brahm | Buddhist Ethics | 2020-05-26 19:48 | 4 pages | 135 | |
Alagaddūpama Sutta as a Scriptural Source for Understanding the Distinctive Philosophical Standpoint of Early Buddhism | 2012 | P. D. Premasiri | Buddhist Philosophy | 2021-12-13 16:53 | 13 pages | 10 | |
Buddhism and Euthanasia | 2009 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddhist Ethics | 2021-07-13 12:28 | 13 pages | 28 | |
Why I am a Buddhist Monk | 2018 | Ajahn Brahmali | Buddhism | 2022-01-06 12:13 | 13 pages | 62 | |
The Economy of Gifts | 1997 | Ajahn Geoff Ṭhānissaro | Buddhism as a Religion | 2020-03-08 16:58 | 3 pages | 29 | |
A Brief Introduction to Buddha-Dhamma | 2011 | Bhikkhu P. A. Payutto | Thai Buddhism | 2025-01-02 09:18 | 8 pages | 5 | |
Buddhist Nuns in Burma | 2010 | Friedgard Lottermoser | Burmese Buddhism | 2025-02-26 07:42 | 8 pages | 1 | |
Bhikkhuni Community Building | 2009 | Ajahn Chandako and Jacqueline Kramer | Foreigners in Thailand | 2022-10-08 19:37 | 8 pages | 4 | |
How Mindfulness Can Defeat Racial Bias | 2015 | Rhonda V. Magee | Buddhist Meditation | 2020-06-11 10:42 | 8 pages | 10 | |
Nazis. Loved. Yoga. | 2021 | Matthew Remski | Buddhism Comes West | 2022-09-27 18:02 | 8 pages | 27 | |
On the Paṭisambhidās: why Theravadins get so mixed up about words | 2018 | Bhante Sujato | Theravāda | 2020-10-29 10:26 | 8 pages | 38 | |
Evading the Transformation of Reality | 1999 | Ken Knabb | Engaged Buddhism | 2022-10-24 14:26 | 7 pages | 3 | |
An Eye Transplant and a Pound of Flesh | 2020 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Canonical Rebirth Stories | 2024-05-27 12:33 | 7 pages | 5 | |
Lumbini | 2022 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Pilgrimage | 2022-05-09 18:49 | 7 pages | 21 | |
Under Your Skin: The Buddha’s Teachings on Body Contemplation | 2014 | Ajahn Geoff Ṭhānissaro | The Human Body | 2024-09-12 11:28 | 7 pages | 9 | |
Working with Koans | 2006 | John Tarrant | East Asian Buddhism | 2022-06-03 20:01 | 7 pages | 20 | |
Song of the Enchanting Wildwoods | 2016 | Longchen Rabjam | Right Effort | 2021-06-28 09:19 | 11 pages | 28 | |
Cultural Buddhism | 2013 | Bhante Yuttadhammo | Buddhism as a Religion | 2022-09-19 15:35 | 3 pages | 23 | |
Gabyo: Painted Rice Cakes | 1999 | Dōgen Zenji | East Asian Buddhism | 2022-10-08 13:40 | 3 pages | 32 | |
The Personal is Political | 1969 | Carol Hanisch | The Social World | 2022-12-05 12:40 | 3 pages | 5 | |
Politics of the Buddha’s Genitals | 2017 | Bhante Sujato | The Buddha | 2021-01-14 17:53 | 3 pages | 143 | |
Ānāpānasati: An Introduction | 2001 | Pa Auk Sayadaw | Samatha | 2022-06-07 15:22 | 6 pages | 125 | |
The Lost Caves of the Pacceka Buddhas | 2008 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Pilgrimage | 2021-08-28 06:46 | 6 pages | 27 | |
Dependent Liberation | 2012 | Ajahn Brahmali | The Practice of Buddhism | 2020-03-08 16:58 | 6 pages | 91 | |
An Iridescence on the Water: The Teachings of Chao Khun Nararatana Rajamanit | 1997 | Ajahn Geoff Ṭhānissaro | Thai Buddhism | 2025-01-15 09:52 | 6 pages | 3 | |
Flowers of Space | 1999 | Dōgen Zenji | Samatha | 2022-10-18 19:54 | 6 pages | 14 | |
The History of Buddhist Monasticism and Its Western Adaptation | 1999 | Bhikshuni Karma Lekshe Tsomo | Buddhism as a Religion | 2021-10-05 10:26 | 6 pages | 13 | |
Morality | 1965 | Joan Didion | Ideology (General) | 2021-05-22 20:15 | 6 pages | 260 | |
The Thirty-Seven Practices of All the Bodhisattvas | 2006 | Gyalse Tokme Zangpo | Teachings for Monastics | 2020-08-08 14:19 | 6 pages | 24 | |
Questions on Kamma | 2000 | Bhikkhu Bodhi | Saṃsāra | 2023-11-18 08:27 | 6 pages | 26 | |
Buddhism: The Only Real Science | 2004 | Ajahn Brahm | The Practice of Buddhism | 2020-03-08 16:58 | 6 pages | 87 | |
The Miracle of Sankassa: Fact or Fiction? | 2008 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Theravāda | 2021-08-28 06:46 | 6 pages | 46 | |
You’re Not a Bad Person: How Facing Privilege Can Be Liberating | 2016 | Miki Kashtan | Buddhist Ethics | 2020-05-29 20:37 | 6 pages | 21 | |
Addressing the American Problem by Modeling Cognitive Development | 2007 | Zachary Stein | Buddhist Meditation | 2020-06-06 18:25 | 2 pages | 12 | |
How to Cultivate Concentration | 2018 | Mipham Rinpoche | Samādhi | 2020-10-21 21:22 | 2 pages | 37 | |
Hakuin’s Song of Zazen | 1994 | Norman Waddell | East Asian Buddhism | 2022-05-22 20:02 | 2 pages | 56 | |
Mary Foster: Patron of Buddhism | 2019 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddhism Comes West | 2022-09-29 13:45 | 2 pages | 31 | |
Purity of Heart | 2006 | Ajahn Geoff Ṭhānissaro | An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy | 2020-04-26 15:58 | 2 pages | 95 | |
What Work Is | 1991 | Philip Levine | Buddhist Ethics | 2020-09-02 19:47 | 2 pages | 90 | |
You Can Have It | 1991 | Philip Levine | Buddhist Ethics | 2020-09-02 19:47 | 2 pages | 16 | |
Advice for Alak Dongak | 2014 | Patrul Rinpoche | Monastic Buddhism | 2020-08-12 19:52 | 5 pages | 4 | |
Song of Advice for Giving Up Meat Eating | 2004 | Nyala Pema Dündul | Mahāyāna | 2021-06-28 09:19 | 5 pages | 12 | |
Advice Given To Lhawang Tashi | 2015 | Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye | Buddhist Meditation | 2020-08-21 09:53 | 5 pages | 17 | |
King Ashoka’s Amazing Engineers | 2010 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | The History of Buddhism | 2021-07-24 10:49 | 5 pages | 13 | |
The Majesty and Mystery of Bharhut | 2012 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Early Indian Buddhism | 2021-08-28 06:46 | 5 pages | 11 | |
Consciousness Where Nothing Appears | 2023 | Bhante Sujato | Nibbāna: The Goal of Buddhist Practice | 2023-11-11 12:47 | 5 pages | 25 | |
Europe’s First Buddhist Temple | 2009 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddhism Comes West | 2022-09-26 21:28 | 5 pages | 11 | |
Excellent Intention: A Simple Nyungné Ritual | 2019 | Jigme Lingpa | Saṅgha | 2021-06-22 09:59 | 5 pages | 13 | |
A Method of Confessing and Pledging through the Four Powers | 2019 | Lobzang Chökyi Gyaltsen | Vajrayāna | 2022-05-08 21:49 | 5 pages | 4 | |
Instructions for Entering Jhana | 2002 | Leigh Brasington | Samatha | 2022-06-08 15:31 | 5 pages | 49 | |
Is it Really Possible to Transfer Merit? | 2020 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Karma | 2024-02-20 15:43 | 5 pages | 13 | |
The Wish-Granting King of Jewels: An Essential Garland of Offerings | 2020 | Mipham Rinpoche | Vajrayāna | 2022-05-02 20:07 | 5 pages | 8 | |
Moving from Dhyāna to Dhyāna: The Account in MĀ 176 | 2021 | Charles Patton | Samādhi | 2021-09-11 05:29 | 5 pages | 9 | |
Mudrās | 2004 | Villa Del Prado | Vajrayāna | 2022-05-08 23:54 | 5 pages | 18 | |
A Teaching on the Offering of Flowers | 2004 | Jigme Tenpe Nyima | Saṅgha | 2021-07-03 17:44 | 5 pages | 17 | |
The Blissful Path of Action Tantra: A Ritual for Taking the One-Day Vows of a Lay Practitioner | 2021 | Jigme Lingpa | Vajrayāna | 2022-05-05 09:59 | 5 pages | 23 | |
What is the Real Sal Flower? | 2020 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Sri Lankan Buddhism | 2025-02-19 13:17 | 5 pages | 2 | |
The Shrine of Steadfast Gaze | 1991 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Pilgrimage | 2022-11-16 18:29 | 5 pages | 13 | |
Strange Days in Cupertino: Memory, Imagery and, Truth in Today’s Consumerized Digital Real | 2023 | Christine Gerardi | Media Studies | 2024-07-13 10:58 | 5 pages | 2 | |
Ten Unwholesome Actions | 2000 | Ajahn Suchart | Buddhist Ethics | 2020-05-01 15:46 | 5 pages | 74 | |
The True Dhamma Has Disappeared | 2014 | Ajahn Geoff Ṭhānissaro | Buddhism as a Religion | 2020-03-08 16:58 | 5 pages | 85 | |
Vipassanā | 2010 | Ajahn Tong Sirimangalo | Vipassanā | 2022-06-17 15:18 | 5 pages | 30 | |
Fragments of Reality | 2014 | Bhante Yuttadhammo | Saṃsāra | 2023-10-09 12:27 | 2 pages | 10 | |
Iyothee Tass: Hero of Tamil Buddhism | 2020 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddhist Ethics | 2021-07-17 10:48 | 2 pages | 21 | |
Sanctuary: A Forgotten Buddhist Tradition | 2020 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | History of the Theravāda | 2024-04-22 12:26 | 2 pages | 10 | |
Twelve and a Half Crippled Verses | 2020 | Lama Zhang Tsöndrü Drakpa | Monastic Buddhism | 2021-09-22 09:51 | 2 pages | 10 | |
Beautiful Adornment of the Earth | 1906 | Mipham Rinpoche | The (Human) World | 2021-06-15 09:33 | 4 pages | 13 | |
Verses of Advice for Meditating on Impermanence | 2015 | Könchok Tenpe Drönme | Contemplating Death | 2023-10-07 14:35 | 4 pages | 8 | |
All Of Humanity’s Problems Are Caused By A Lack Of Awareness | 2021 | Caitlin Johnstone | Culture | 2021-03-06 19:24 | 4 pages | 10 | |
Ancient Sri Lanka through the Eyes of a Chinese Monk | 2009 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Medieval Buddhism | 2021-07-13 12:28 | 4 pages | 21 | |
The Buddha as a Teacher | 2020 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | The Buddha's Words | 2021-07-09 18:57 | 4 pages | 234 | |
A Study of the Buddha’s Travels | 2011 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddha's India | 2021-03-20 17:36 | 4 pages | 50 | |
The Buddha You Never Knew | 2015 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddhism as a Religion | 2021-08-14 09:14 | 4 pages | 181 | |
The Challenge to the Sangha in the 21st Century | 2006 | Bhikkhu Bodhi | Teachings for Monastics | 2020-05-18 11:55 | 4 pages | 27 | |
The Heart of Chan’s Three Freedoms | 2008 | Ven. Minghai | Right Effort | 2023-11-08 17:00 | 4 pages | 4 | |
Eihei Dogen’s Guidelines for studying the Way | 1985 | Ed Brown and Kazuaki Tanahashi | Mahāyāna | 2022-05-12 15:18 | 4 pages | 16 | |
I Lost You | 1980 | Angkarn Kalayanapong | Thailand | 2021-04-02 12:30 | 4 pages | 50 | |
Kamma in Buddhism | 2017 | Buddhadāsa Bhikkhu | Right View | 2023-07-03 09:11 | 4 pages | 15 | |
Nibbāna | 1981 | Bhikkhu Bodhi | Nibbāna: The Goal of Buddhist Practice | 2020-07-14 14:42 | 4 pages | 202 | |
Out of the Ordinary | 2021 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddhist Ethics | 2021-08-01 11:39 | 4 pages | 36 | |
Poor Black Women | 1968 | Patricia Robinson | The Human Body | 2022-09-19 11:27 | 4 pages | 2 | |
Praise of Noble Avalokiteśvara | 2019 | Bhikṣuṇī Lakṣmī | Vajrayāna | 2022-05-05 09:59 | 4 pages | 30 | |
Profound Instruction on Śamatha | 2019 | Jamgön Mipam Rinpoche | Samatha | 2022-06-07 15:22 | 4 pages | 33 | |
The Essence of Compassion | 2001 | Thích Nhất Hạnh | The Practice of Buddhism | 2022-09-09 20:27 | 4 pages | 62 | |
On Sakkāya, Identity, and Substantial Reality | 2023 | Bhante Sujato | Śūnyatā | 2023-11-01 13:57 | 4 pages | 17 | |
Shedding Skins | 2019 | Scott Tussa | Monastic Buddhism | 2020-05-18 15:44 | 4 pages | 2 | |
The Search for the Buddha’s Toothbrush | 2015 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddha's India | 2021-08-11 06:46 | 5 pages | 12 | |
The Sun that Causes the Lotus of Intelligence to Bloom: In Praise of the Lineage of Gurus for the Noble Abhidharma | 2020 | Rongtön Sheja Kunrig | Abhidhamma | 2021-04-21 15:47 | 3 pages | 15 | |
Advice to Jigme Tenpe Nyima | 2016 | Mipham Rinpoche | Pramāṇa | 2024-01-15 15:28 | 3 pages | 3 | |
Amida Buddha: The Central Symbol of Pure Land Buddhism | 1986 | Alfred Bloom | Buddhism as a Religion | 2021-12-17 15:27 | 3 pages | 27 | |
Can the Theravada Bhikkhuni Order be Re-established? It Already Has | 2012 | Bhikkhu Bodhi | An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy | 2020-04-27 07:34 | 3 pages | 54 | |
A Brief Commentary on the Twelve Stanzas | 2018 | Gompa Tsultrim Nyingpo | The Hindrances | 2020-08-31 13:12 | 3 pages | 4 | |
Explaining the Dalai Lama | 2011 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Tibetan Buddhism | 2021-07-13 12:28 | 3 pages | 38 | |
The citta of the Arahant is Empty | 2010 | Luangta Maha Boowa | Nibbāna: The Goal of Buddhist Practice | 2020-07-31 10:07 | 3 pages | 78 | |
Erotica in the Pali Tipitaka | 2020 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Poetry of the Pāḷi Canon | 2024-05-26 18:23 | 3 pages | 10 | |
A Gay Tragedy | 2008 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddhist Ethics | 2021-09-05 07:06 | 3 pages | 62 | |
Gender Discrimination and the Pali Canon: An Open Letter to Ayya Tathaaloka | 2009 | Bhikkhu Anālayo | The Pāli Canon | 2020-07-25 16:43 | 3 pages | 42 | |
Great Stake to the Heart: A Song of Sadness | 2021 | Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö | Right Effort | 2023-10-05 20:18 | 3 pages | 1 | |
You Just Need to be Hungry | 2014 | Margo Mallar | Nuns | 2022-10-25 14:43 | 3 pages | 4 | |
The Kalmyks: Europe’s Only Native Buddhists | 2009 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddhism Comes West | 2022-10-07 13:00 | 3 pages | 9 | |
Kannon and the Ideal of Compassion | 2008 | Alfred Bloom | Mahāyāna | 2022-03-07 18:20 | 3 pages | 7 | |
Locations for Cultivating Samādhi | 2000 | Longchen Rabjam | Places | 2021-01-22 05:43 | 3 pages | 8 | |
Longing to Ordain | 2007 | Bhikkhuni Sudhamma | Pilgrimage | 2021-02-09 13:38 | 3 pages | 9 | |
Obon: A Festival of Memory | 2007 | Alfred Bloom | The Social World | 2022-09-30 21:35 | 3 pages | 5 | |
Outline of Five Great Sages’ Confession | 2007 | Patrul Rinpoche | Right Effort | 2023-09-25 07:16 | 3 pages | 4 | |
Portrait of a Volunteer | 2014 | Margo Mallar and Mindy Zlotnick | Nuns | 2022-10-16 15:16 | 3 pages | 5 | |
The Practitioner of Meditation | 2000 | Longchen Rabjam | The Buddhist Path | 2021-08-31 11:00 | 3 pages | 26 | |
Profound Instruction on the View of the Middle Way | 2006 | Mipham Rinpoche | Śūnyatā | 2023-12-04 20:18 | 3 pages | 14 | |
The Buddhist Perspective on Human Fulfillment: The Pure Land | 1984 | Alfred Bloom | Buddhism as a Religion | 2022-03-16 22:19 | 3 pages | 23 | |
Building a Pure Land on Earth | 2013 | The Pluralism Project | Buddhism as a Religion | 2024-11-22 07:17 | 3 pages | 6 | |
Realization | 1993 | Ajahn Fuang Jotiko | The Buddhist Path | 2020-07-31 10:07 | 3 pages | 35 | |
Remembering the Ancestors | 2013 | The Pluralism Project | Buddhism as a Religion | 2024-11-22 07:17 | 3 pages | 2 | |
Seed of Reasoning | 2018 | Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo | Śūnyatā | 2024-01-02 16:37 | 3 pages | 5 | |
From Street Gangs to Temple | 2013 | The Pluralism Project | Buddhism as a Religion | 2024-11-21 19:03 | 3 pages | 4 | |
Verses on the Buddha’s Previous Lives | 2008 | Āryaśūra (Lobpon Pawo) | The Jātaka Tales | 2024-12-20 08:41 | 3 pages | 1 | |
Wrong Livelihood | 1996 | Ajahn Brahm | Monastic Buddhism | 2020-05-18 20:27 | 3 pages | 57 | |
Who Was the Buddha? | 2019 | Alexander Wynne | Buddhism | 2021-01-16 17:38 | 9 pages | 2 | |
From the Oral Tradition | 2013 | Nyarong Tertön Sogyal Rinpoche | Meditating in Daily Life | 2021-01-28 12:17 | 1 page | 11 | |
The Art of Sitting | 2018 | Ajahn Kalyāno | Buddhist Meditation | 2024-05-27 13:45 | 1 page | 8 | |
Going Forth | 2001 | Ajahn Viradhammo | Buddhism as a Religion | 2020-03-08 16:58 | 1 page | 23 | |
Monet Refuses the Operation | 1996 | Lisel Mueller | Right View | 2021-03-29 21:03 | 1 page | 5 | |
Advice to Myself Exposing Hidden Flaws | 2021 | Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö | Right Effort | 2023-10-14 10:14 | 2 pages | 5 | |
The Big Buddhas Of Bamiyan | 2016 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Medieval Buddhism | 2024-07-07 19:05 | 2 pages | 11 | |
There are Birds Here | 2016 | Jamaal May | The Wider World | 2023-02-23 15:32 | 2 pages | 4 | |
Bombu Buys a Car | 2015 | Gordon Bermant | Communication Studies | 2023-12-16 10:03 | 2 pages | 1 | |
Buddhism and the Incorruptible Body | 2020 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Right View | 2023-07-03 09:11 | 2 pages | 14 | |
Buddhism, Trees, and Forests | 2016 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddhism and Nature | 2023-06-01 12:31 | 2 pages | 12 | |
Chanting the Sutras | 2013 | The Pluralism Project | Buddhism as a Religion | 2024-11-21 11:19 | 2 pages | 6 | |
Concise Spiritual Advice | 2020 | Sera Khandro | Saṃsāra | 2023-11-24 19:22 | 2 pages | 6 | |
Confession to Earth Lords | 2017 | Karma Chakme | Buddhism and Nature | 2023-05-30 04:47 | 2 pages | 9 | |
In Praise of Devāvatāra, Site of Buddha’s Descent from Heaven | 1956 | Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö | Early Indian Buddhism | 2021-04-23 09:35 | 2 pages | 11 | |
The First Yellow Robes in the West | 2019 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddhism Comes West | 2022-09-30 10:49 | 2 pages | 14 | |
The Food of Awakening | 2008 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | The Buddha | 2021-08-24 05:29 | 2 pages | 27 | |
Advice for Nubla Kunzang Chöpel | 2022 | Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö | Vajrayāna | 2022-05-11 22:11 | 2 pages | 10 | |
A Garland For the Bhikkhunis of Perth | 2010 | Jacqueline Kramer | Buddhist Ethics | 2020-05-28 06:39 | 2 pages | 4 | |
Forty Meditations | 1992 | Karen M. Andrews | Buddhist Meditation | 2020-06-20 16:30 | 2 pages | 30 | |
The Heaven of Solitude | 2013 | Nyala Pema Dündul | Cities | 2021-08-25 05:21 | 2 pages | 6 | |
Human Life | 2007 | Ven K. Sri Dhammananda | Saṅgha | 2020-04-01 12:56 | 2 pages | 19 | |
Creating a Mandala | 2013 | The Pluralism Project | Buddhism as a Religion | 2024-11-21 11:19 | 2 pages | 5 | |
Vedic Namuci and Buddhist Māra | 2023 | Bhante Sujato | Characters in the EBTs | 2023-11-18 08:27 | 2 pages | 14 | |
On the Ignorance of the Learned | 2014 | Dodrupchen Jikmé Tenpé Nyima | Right Thought | 2023-07-29 20:34 | 2 pages | 4 | |
One Hand Clapping? | 2013 | The Pluralism Project | Buddhism as a Religion | 2024-11-20 15:39 | 2 pages | 6 | |
Ownership and Administration of Monasteries | 1995 | Ajahn Brahm | Vinaya Studies | 2021-02-17 11:06 | 2 pages | 28 | |
Pain Lasers, Love Lasers | 2019 | Bob Wentworth | Buddhist Meditation | 2020-06-22 10:22 | 2 pages | 1 | |
The Practice of Zazen | 2014 | East Asian Buddhism | 2022-05-20 20:34 | 2 pages | 23 | ||
James Prinsep and the Discovery of King Asoka | 2012 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddhism Comes West | 2022-09-29 13:45 | 2 pages | 26 | |
Sesshin: A Meditation Retreat | 2013 | The Pluralism Project | Buddhism as a Religion | 2024-11-20 18:27 | 2 pages | 2 | |
Smoking and the Fifth Precept | 2008 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Buddhist Ethics | 2021-08-11 06:46 | 2 pages | 94 | |
Someday I’ll Love Ocean Vuong | 2015 | Ocean Vuong | American Buddhist Literature | 2020-12-25 20:24 | 2 pages | 5 | |
Temple Life | 2015 | Haseo Tsutomu | Saṅgha | 2022-02-18 14:36 | 2 pages | 4 | |
The Three Noble Principles | 2007 | Khenpo Shenpen Nangwa | Vajrayāna | 2022-05-04 13:43 | 2 pages | 15 | |
The Buddha and the Toilet | 2008 | Bhante Shravasti Dhammika | Pilgrimage | 2021-08-14 09:14 | 2 pages | 52 | |
The Key Points of Trekchö | 2018 | Mipham Rinpoche | Samatha | 2022-06-08 15:31 | 2 pages | 97 | |
Vomiting Gold | 2015 | Khenpo Gangshar Wangpo | Mindfulness | 2020-09-10 13:51 | 2 pages | 66 | |
Where are the Women Monastics? | 2012 | Susan Pembroke | Buddhism Comes West | 2022-08-26 11:47 | 2 pages | 9 | |
The Worldwide Sangha | 2008 | Bhante Varado | Vinaya Studies | 2021-02-17 15:29 | 2 pages | 8 | |
Contemporary Bhikkuni Ordination in Sri Lanka | 2008 | Ayya Sobhana Bhikkhuni | Nuns | 2025-02-02 13:23 | 5 pages | 1 | |
Advice for Beginners: How to Overcome Obstacles to Meditation | 2019 | Adzom Gyalse Gyurme Dorje | Right Effort | 2023-11-10 09:32 | 1 page | 8 | |
Advice for Urgyen Tsomo | 2020 | Khakhyab Dorje | Right Thought | 2023-08-03 19:22 | 1 page | 4 | |
Advice in a Single Statement | 2015 | Khenpo Ngawang Palzang and Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche | Buddhist Meditation | 2020-08-15 11:29 | 1 page | 21 | |
Advice on Abandoning the Eight Worldly Concerns | 2013 | Nyala Pema Dündul | Nibbāna: The Goal of Buddhist Practice | 2020-09-20 11:32 | 1 page | 35 | |
Song of Advice for Gok Zangden | 2018 | Khenpo Gangshar Wangpo | Mindfulness | 2022-06-09 13:10 | 1 page | 19 | |
Bringing Sickness onto the Path | 2018 | Dodrupchen Jigme Tenpé Nyima | Mahāyāna | 2022-02-24 20:55 | 1 page | 7 | |
An Exhortation to Tibetans | 2017 | Khenmo Rigdzin Chödrön | Lay Buddhism | 2020-08-22 10:10 | 1 page | 4 | |
Advice for Beginners | 2012 | Mipham Rinpoche | Vajrayāna | 2022-05-11 22:11 | 1 page | 23 | |
Four-Point Advice | 2020 | Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö | Mahāyāna | 2020-10-13 16:59 | 1 page | 18 | |
Four Sayings | 2016 | Geshe Langri Tangpa | Vipassanā | 2022-06-19 18:29 | 1 page | 9 | |
“Gotama” was probably the clan of the Sakyan family priest | 2023 | Bhante Sujato | The Buddha | 2023-03-08 06:40 | 1 page | 36 | |
Instructions on the Great Perfection | 2017 | Dzongsar Khyentse Chökyi Lodrö | Time | 2021-01-01 18:06 | 1 page | 16 | |
How to Transform Sickness and Other Circumstances | 2007 | Gyalsé Tokmé Zangpo | Right Thought | 2023-07-16 09:24 | 1 page | 9 | |
Impressions of an Insightful Experience | 2018 | Lachung Apo | Śūnyatā | 2024-01-08 19:25 | 1 page | 3 | |
In This Pure Awareness | 2019 | Khenpo Shenga | Nibbāna: The Goal of Buddhist Practice | 2020-11-10 12:48 | 1 page | 27 | |
Mahāmudrā: Preliminaries, Main Part & Conclusion | 2015 | Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thaye | Vajrayāna | 2022-05-08 21:49 | 1 page | 17 | |
Power | 2020 | Maureen McLane | The Social World | 2022-12-06 07:12 | 1 page | 5 | |
Verses of Refuge and Bodhichitta | 2012 | Śākya Śrībhadra | Mahāyāna | 2022-02-06 23:49 | 1 page | 12 | |
The Son | 2020 | Ben Lerner | Culture | 2020-11-01 11:46 | 1 page | 7 | |
Eight Verses of Training the Mind | 2012 | Geshe Langri Thangpa | Right Thought | 2021-05-18 09:53 | 1 page | 17 | |
The Meaning of Numbers | 2019 | Bhante Sujato | Imagery in the EBTs | 2020-03-19 11:27 | 1 page | 16 |