The University is still a work in progress. As it continues to expand, the University Newsletter will mark the arrival of new courses and the best new content. To hear about the latest, subscribe to one of our atom (rss) feeds or sign up for our emails:
Previous Posts
On Being Animals
Happy Holidays from the Open Buddhist University! As the year wraps up, we’re happy to offer you two new sections of our free library on Animals and the Human Body as well as a significant upgrade to our previous selections on the Khuddakanikāya.
Happy Āsāḷha Pūjā
Today is Āsāḷha Pūjā, the last day before the annual rains retreat, and to celebrate the occasion I’m happy to announce what we’ve been working on the last few months: the significant expansion of our free library further into the history of Buddhism and the workings of the mind with the launch of seven new bibliographies!
Study Time
This month we’ve added three sections to our library on Karma, Philosophical Dialogues, and Time.
An Empty New Year
Kicking off the new year, I’m happy to announce the addition of four new sections to our library on Cosmology (Saṃsāra), Emptiness (Śūnyatā), Epistemology (Pramāṇa), and Communication Studies.
Meditation After the Rains
This month we celebrate the end of this year’s rains retreat with five (!) new bibliographies on the Saṅgha, the history of Buddhism and three new subtopics under “Meditation”:
Back to School
Introducing subtopics to Buddhist Philosophy and the Human World.
Happy Vesak
In which I announce a new bibliography on Buddhism and Nature.
Happy New Year
This December I’m happy to announce that a new page on the Pāli Language has been added to our library.
Back to School
Autumn is in the air and many new leaves have fallen into our library this month, especially on Buddhist Nuns and how the Dharma came West.
Finding Peace in the Turmoil
This month, we added two new sections to our library on Samatha and Vipassanā Meditation.
The Types of Mahāyāna
This month, the University expanded our Mahāyāna offerings with new sections of the library dedicated to Chan and Vajrayāna Buddhism.
Returning to the Basics
This past four months, OBU has added no new courses or bibliographies to the site. The first third of 2022 has, however, seen:
More Sutta Studies with Bhikkhu Bodhi
This month, we’ve added hundreds of lectures by Bhikkhu Bodhi on the Majjhima and Aṅguttara Nikāyas.
Wandering for the Benefit of Many
The end of the summer’s rains retreat is traditionally when Buddhist monks would begin to tour the countryside, following the Buddha’s instruction to “wander […] out of compassion for the world” (Kd 1:8).
Engaged Buddhism
This month, we’ve added a new bibliography on Engaged Buddhism!
Indian Buddhism
As promised last month, this month we continue to explore Buddhist India: this time after the Buddha, with bibliographies on Indian Buddhism after the Buddha (up to the first sectarian splits) and on Buddhist pilgrimage today.
In the Buddha's World
This month I’ve added two, new bibliographies to the site on the world of Early Buddhism: The Buddha’s India and Characters in the Early Buddhist Texts.
Vinaya Studies and The Mind Stilled
This short month saw two major additions to The University: an advanced course on Nibbāna (following up on our previous course) and a new bibliography of Vinaya Studies (following up on our previous bibliographies on monasticism and the canon).
The Buddha in the Pāli Texts
This month saw a number of technical upgrades to the site and the addition of a new syllabus on the Buddha along with a few other new pieces to the university library.
你好, āvuso!
Hello, friend! Today I’m happy to announce the addition of a new feature and a few new courses for the more serious scholars, as well as a few polemics on contemporary issues which are near and dear to my heart.
Introducing 6 (!) More Courses
The last few months I’ve been busy adding a number of courses to the site and today I’m proud to announce the completion of the University’s new catalog of (now) ten courses.
The Two Traditions of Buddhism
This month the library took its first tentative steps towards covering the different forms of Buddhism, with new bibliographies on Theravada and Mahayana Buddhism.
The Nikayas and Āgamas
This month I’ve added information to the library on the four main Nikayas (the Digha, Majjhima, Saṃyutta, and Aṅguttara) along with their parallel Āgamas (the Dīrgha, Madhyama, Saṃyukta, and Ekottarika).
The World and the Early Buddhist Texts
Following on the Pāli Canon readings from last month, this month the library added tags on the Vinaya and Sutta Pitikas as well as the Chinese Agamas. I’m especially happy to share this translation of the Canonical Vinaya:
Two New Bibliographies
This month I’m happy to announce two bibliographies on more advanced topics: nibbāna and the Pāli Canon.
A New Reading List on Meditation
Today I’m proud to finally announce the meditation reading list.
May Flowers
This months readings are back to basics. There are two new topical reading lists on Monastic Buddhism and Buddhist Ethics and I’ve added a number of suttas to the library.
April Showers
This month I’ve gotten a solid start on migrating over content from my Google Drive folder. You’ll now find four new topic tags added to the library.
Welcome to the University
Today I’m happy to welcome you to The Open Buddhist University. Congratulations on your admission!
Introducing four (!) new courses on Buddhism
Today I’m happy to announce the publication of not one, but four new courses on the fundamentals of Buddhism:
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