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Karma and Female Birth
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The Journal of Buddhist Ethics |
Self-transformation According to Buddhist Stages of the Path Literature
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Jared R. Lindahl |
2023-05-05 18:28
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Xuanzang à Paris: The European Reception of the Japanese Buddhist World Map
2021 |
D. Max Moerman |
2025-02-02 14:54
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Dharmadinnā Becomes a Nun: A Story of Ordination by Messenger from the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya Translated from the Tibetan Version
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Buddhism as a Religion
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The Buddha’s Past Life as a Princess in the Ekottarika-Agama
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History of Tibetan Buddhism
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The Work of Paramārtha: An Example of Sino-Indian Cross-Cultural Exchange
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Medieval Buddhism
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Animal Omens in Buddhist Sanskrit Literature: The call of the crow, the howl of the jackal, and the knowledge of the wagtail
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In Her Likeness: Female Divinity and Leadership at Medieval Chūgūji
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Medieval Chinese Buddhism
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The Pāli Apadāna Collection
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Medieval Buddhism
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We Love Our Nuns: Affective Dimensions of the Sri Lankan Bhikkhunī Revival
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Bhikkhave and Bhikkhu as Gender-inclusive Terminology in Early Buddhist Texts
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A Hoard of Inscribed Gandharan Metalware
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Historical Consciousness and Traditional Buddhist Narratives
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An Elephant Good To Think: The Buddha in Pārileyyaka Forest
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The Second Decade of the Avadānaśataka
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The Fourth Decade of the Avadānaśataka
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New Pāli Inscriptions from South-East Asia
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To Be, or Not to Be
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We’ve Been Here All Along
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Avoiding Unintended Harm To The Environment And The Buddhist Ethic Of Intention
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Buddhism in Muslim Indonesia
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Cremated Like a King: The Funeral of the Buddha within the Ancient Indian Context
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The Pāli Canon
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The Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies |
The Cultivation of Virtue in Buddhist Ethics
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An Ethical Critique of Wartime Zen
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Living with the Mountain: Mountain Propitiation Rituals in the Making of Human-Environmental Ethics in Sikkim
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A Newly Identified Manuscript of the Mahāprātihāryasūtra in the Gilgit Buddhist Manuscript: A Critical Edition and Translation
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Lexicography, Pāli, and Pāli Lexicography
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Pāli Dictionaries
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Pure Land and Netherworld: An Essential Combination
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Saṅgha Groupings in Cambodia
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Canonical Rebirth Stories
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What the Nikāyas Say and Do not Say about Nibbāna
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Nibbāna: The Goal of Buddhist Practice
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Imagery in the Early Buddhist Texts
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The Chinese Biography of Jīvaka, Buddhist King of Physicians
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Chinese Glass Paintings in Bangkok Monasteries
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Compassionate Violence?: On the Ethical Implications of Tantric Buddhist Ritual
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The Historical Turn: How Chinese Buddhist Travelogues Changed Western Perception of Buddhism
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Toward an Integral Critical Approach to Thinking, Talking, Writing, and Teaching About Race
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Buddhism and Nature
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On Reading Buddhist Vinaya: Feminist History, Hermeneutics, and Translating Women’s Bodies
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A Virtuoso Nun in the North: Situating the Earliest-Known Dated Biography of a Buddhist Nun in East Asia
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Medieval Chinese Buddhism
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Dependent Arising and the Emptiness of Emptiness: Why Did Nagarjuna Start with Causation?
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Dependent Origination
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Towards a Dialogue Between Buddhist Social Theory and Affect Studies on the Ethico-Political Significance of Mindfulness
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Buddhist Philosophy in Dialogue
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A gradual entry into emptiness - Depicted in the early Buddhist discourses
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Karma here and now in a Mūlasarvāstivāda Avadāna: How the Bodhisattva changed sex and was born as a female 500 times
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Canonical Rebirth Stories
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History of the Mahāyāna
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The Global Refugee Crisis: Regional Destabilization and Humanitarian Protection
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Inequality Is Always in the Room: Language and Power in Deliberative Democracy
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Communication Studies
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Meditation-Induced Near-Death Experiences: a 3-Year Longitudinal Study
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The Buddhist Culture of the Old Uigur Peoples
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Characters in the EBTs
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Compassion and Merit in Early Buddhism With the Focus on the Aṅguttara Nikāya and the Ekottarika Āgama
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Ekottarika Āgama
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Compassion in the Āgamas and Nikāyas
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The Brahmaviharas
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The Fragmentary History of Female Monasticism in Thailand: Community Formation and Development of Monastic Rules by Thai Mae Chis
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The Human Body
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Merit-Making Activities and the Latent Ideal of the Buddhist Wat in Southwestern Cambodia
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The Nature of the World in Nineteenth-Century Khmer Buddhist Literature
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The Oral Transmission of Early Buddhist Literature
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The Buddha's Words
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The Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies |
Resources for Buddhist Environmental Ethics
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Buddhism and Nature
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Tradition, Power, and Community among Buddhist Nuns in Sri Lanka
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Monastic Buddhism
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Watanabe Kaigyoku and Buddhist Responses to the ‘Labour Question’ in Early-Twentieth Century Japan
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Modern Buddhism
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Belief Traps: Tackling the Inertia of Harmful Beliefs
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Feasibility of a mindfulness-based intervention to address youth issues in Vietnam
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Demonology and Eroticism: Islands of Women in the Japanese Buddhist Imagination
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Insight Knowledge of No Self in Buddhism: An Epistemic Analysis
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Manifesting the Invisible: Writing, Piercing, Shaping, and Taming Potency in Southwest China
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Katherine Swancutt |
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Scriptural Authenticity and the Śrāvaka Schools: An Essay towards an Indian Perspective
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Early Sects
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The Search for Scientific Meaning in Mindfulness Research: Insights From a Scoping Review
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Buddhism in Academia
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Personal Experiences Bridge Moral and Political Divides Better Than Facts
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Religion, Self-Help, Science: Three Economies of Western/ized Buddhism
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A Gandhāran stūpa as Depicted in the Lotus Sutra
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Everyday Life in an Ancient Buddhist Monastery
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The Cultural Appropriation of Buddha in American Advertisements
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Bhikkhunī Dhammadinnā and Raymond Lam |
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From Catholic to Chemist to Buddhist Missionary: How an Italian immigrant from Brooklyn helped to bring the Dharma back to India
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Buddhism Comes West
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The relationship between Mahāsāṃghikas and Mahāyāna Buddhism indicated in the colophon of the Chinese translation of the Vinaya of the Mahāsāṃghikas
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Meaning of “Abhidhamma” in the Pali Canon
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Terry C. Muck |
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Are We Morally Obligated to Meditate?
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Mind Wandering and Attention During Focused Meditation: A Fine-Grained Temporal Analysis of Fluctuating Cognitive States
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The Moral Economy of High-Tech Modernism
2023 |
Henry Farrell and Marion Fourcade |
Media Studies
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Navigating Polycrisis: Long-Run Socio-Cultural Factors Shape Response to Changing Climate
2023 |
Daniel Hoyer, James S. Bennett, Jenny Reddish, Samantha Holder, Robert Howard and others |
2025-01-16 23:23
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Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Biological Sciences |
Practice, Not Dogma: Tzu-chi and the Buddhist Tradition
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The Idea of Progress
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Reducing Opinion Polarization: Effects of Exposure to Similar People With Differing Political Views
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The Social World
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The Revolutionary Thoreau
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Social Activism
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The Role of Mindfulness in the Cultivation of Absorption
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Interpersonal Karma: A Note
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In Search of the Real Buddha
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Interpersonal Heart Rate Synchrony Predicts Effective Information Processing in a Naturalistic Group Decision-Making Task
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Justice and The Capability to Function in Society
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Koan Zen and Wittgenstein’s Only Correct Method in Philosophy
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How Mosquitoes Changed Everything
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Multilevel Cultural Evolution: From New Theory to Practical Applications
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The film fans who refuse to surrender to streaming
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The identification of plant reliefs in the Lalitavistara story of Borobudur temple, Central Java, Indonesia
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The Plasticity of Well-Being: A Training-Based Framework for the Cultivation of Human Flourishing
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Rebirth and the West
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An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
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The Social Leverage Effect: Institutions Transform Weak Reputation Effects Into Strong Incentives for Cooperation
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Soundscape Evaluation in Han Chinese Buddhist Temples
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Stewardship of Global Collective Behavior
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A Task for Mindfulness: Facing Climate Change
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Re-Feminizing Death: Gender, Spirituality and Death Care in the Anthropocene
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Inter-Brain Synchronization in the Practice of Tibetan Monastic Debate
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Brain Mechanisms Supporting the Modulation of Pain by Mindfulness Meditation
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Buddhist Monks Keep Getting Arrested for Corruption, Murder and Drug Trafficking
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Collective Property Rights Lead to Secondary Forest Growth in the Brazilian Amazon
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The animals that may exist in a million years
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The Global Human Day
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Historically Rice-Farming Societies Have Tighter Social Norms in China and Worldwide
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The Long-Run Effects of Religious Persecution: Evidence From the Spanish Inquisition
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The Centrality of Mindfulness-Related Meditations in Early Buddhist Discourse
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Coming to Terms With Fear
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Craving and Dukkha
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The “Depressive” Attributional Style Is Not That Depressive for Buddhists
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Violence and Motherhood in Kashmir: Loss, Suffering, and Resistance in the Lives of Women
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Assessment of Mindfulness by Self-Report
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Buddhism in Academia
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The Buddha’s Pre-awakening Practices and Their Mindful Transformation
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Do Some Languages Sound More Beautiful Than Others?
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The Impact of Childhood Lead Exposure on Adult Personality: Evidence From the United States, Europe, and a Large-Scale Natural Experiment
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Income Inequality and the Erosion of Democracy in the Twenty-First Century
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Unraveling the Evolution of Uniquely Human Cognition
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Cross-Cultural Invariances in the Architecture of Shame
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Earliest Prepared Core Technology in Eurasia From Nihewan (China): Implications for Early Human Abilities and Dispersals in East Asia
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Effects of Gendered Behavior on Testosterone in Women and Men
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How to Talk to Kids
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Increased Affluence Explains the Emergence of Ascetic Wisdoms and Moralizing Religions
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Long hours make bad neighbors
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All Beings Liberating, Together, At Once
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Religion, Religious Textbooks and Territorialisation of Sinhala Buddhist Ethno-Nationalism in Sri Lanka
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Enhancing Health and Wellbeing Through Immersion in Nature: A Conceptual Perspective Combining the Stoic and Buddhist Traditions
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A First-Person Account of Using Mindfulness as a Therapeutic Tool in the Palestinian Territories
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Walking with Thich Nhat Hanh
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Two Notes on Visuddhimagga IX
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Old Bodies Like Carts
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Imagery in the EBTs
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Note on Solitude / Inwardness
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Malcolm Hudson |
Engaged Buddhism
2021-05-13 16:27
2 pages
Pali Buddhist Review |
The Buddhist Sutta
1964 |
John D. Ireland |
The Suttas
2020-08-24 13:31
2 pages
Sangha |
Why Forms Are Fundamental to Buddhist Practice
2017 |
Koun Franz |
Buddhism as a Religion
2021-11-08 07:50
2 pages
Lion's Roar |
Thailand’s Unsung Heroes
2008 |
Apiradee Treerutkuarkul |
Engaged Buddhism
2023-04-03 19:55
2 pages
Bulletin of the World Health Organization |
This is Peaceful, This is Excellent: Reflections on Monastic Life at Aranya Bodhi Hermitage
2012 |
Marajina Samaneri |
An Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy
2020-04-27 10:00
2 pages
Present Magazine |
How Buddhism has Changed the West for the Better
2022 |
Rebecca Solnit |
2022-04-02 19:32
3 pages
The Guardian |
How old are the oldest Homo sapiens in Far East Asia?
2021 |
Jean‐Jacques Hublin |
2023-10-18 17:24
3 pages
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences |
Religious Beliefs, Possession States, and Spirits: Three Case Studies from Sri Lanka
2012 |
Raveen Hanwella, Varuni de Silva, Alam Yoosuf, Sanjeewani Karunaratne, and Pushpa de Silva |
Gender and Sexuality
2023-09-19 21:21
3 pages
Case Reports In Psychiatry |
Globalization and Buddhism
2015 |
Alfred Bloom |
Buddhist Economics
2025-01-16 23:23
2 pages
Anecdotes and the Shifting Baseline Syndrome of Fisheries
1995 |
Daniel Pauly |
2024-02-15 16:31
1 page
Trends in Ecology and Evolution |
The Arahant
1999 |
John D. Ireland |
Nibbāna: The Goal of Buddhist Practice
2021-02-19 18:10
1 page
Buddhist Studies Review |
The Footprint of the Buddha
2009 |
Patricia Welch |
2020-10-27 17:18
1 page
Passage |
Buddhism on the Brain
2004 |
Jonathan Knight |
The History of Buddhism
2024-11-30 14:17
1 page
Nature |
Mongolian Buddhist Scholars’ Works on Infectious Diseases (Late 17th Century to the Beginning of the 20th Century)
2019 |
Batsaikhan Norov | |
2024-02-10 15:10
1 page
Religions |
Partaking of Life: Buddhism, Meat-Eating, and Sacrificial Discourses of Gratitude in Contemporary Japan
2019 |
Barbara R. Ambros |
Buddhism and Animals
2023-12-16 10:03
1 page
Religions |
Pedestrian Dharma: Slowness and Seeing in Tsai Ming-Liang’s Walker
2018 |
Teng-Kuan Ng |
Buddhist Art
2023-12-30 19:20
1 page
Religions |
Taiwanese Nuns and Education Issues in Contemporary Taiwan
2022 |
Yuchen Li |
Modern Buddhism
2024-11-19 13:53
1 page
Religions |